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A Second Quarter Reflection

During the second quarter, I gained a deeper understanding of HTML, which forms the backbone of website creation. I learned about the two kinds of tags in HTML: the container tags which require opening and closing tags together and the empty tags which stand alone. The structure of an HTML document had been taught to include tags such as <html>, <head>, and <body>. Beyond that, I could learn about heading tags which create titles, formatting tags to change the style of texts and give horizontal rules for dividing sections, and I also learned the look of a webpage through backgrounds, fonts, and tag attributes. Furthermore, I have learned how to include images, create frames, and prepare tables that organize and present information differently. This ensured that I had the courage to create very simple yet functional web pages.

I have also been challenged in learning. Remembering the right syntax for many tags and attributes was a significant problem for me. Sometimes, I couldn't join a few elements like integrating an image with a table or formatting correctly without making mistakes. I had debugging, often forgetting to close tags or not aligning them properly in the page representation. Though the HTML code was excellent in its structure, maintaining the good visual appeal was challenging for a pleasing layout. At times, they left me frustrated, halting it a bit as well.

To overcome these challenges, I practiced regularly by creating small projects to strengthen what I learned. When I made mistakes, I carefully reviewed my notes and previous lessons to understand and fix them. I double-checked my code to
find any errors and tried different methods until I got it right. By consistently practicing and taking the time to analyze my work, I gradually became more
confident in using HTML.
I will continue to learn from that and look deeper into more advanced HTML features like forms and multimedia. I will also begin learning CSS for the beautification and layout of my web pages. Thus, they are more attractive as well as user-friendly. I plan to put in practice, experiment with creative ideas, and get
into my projects. It excites me to continue improving my skills in Web development and even into tougher assignments in the coming quarters.



  1. We both learn so much this year, it was draining but we already did it! so keep it up!

  2. Im so proud of you for trying your best this quarter, keep it up the good work!!

  3. This quarter serves as a reminder of our strength, resilience and courage to face all the setbacks we had encountered. I am glad you learned all of that in just one quarter!

  4. Hey! Good job making it this far, The way you handled the challenges along your way was truly inspiring. Always be reminded that the sacrifices you have made will surely pay off!

  5. Hi, I'm glad that you learned a lot during the 2nd quarter and i know that sometimes there are challenges that come our way. And we all know that it's always part on our journey. Keep it up^^.

  6. OMG! Very informative but I suggest you improve your title to make it catchy!

  7. Incredible, keep your dedication towards to your studies until the end. You can make it darling!

  8. I'm glad you learned a lot in 2nd quarter. Keep it up!

  9. I can tell that you really learned a lot this 2nd Quarter, keep up the good work!

  10. OMG!! We both learned a lot in 2nd Quarter!!Keep it up, nethaniah.

  11. Woww! I really connected with your reflection. Keep it up!


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