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A Quarter of Discovery and Learning


    This quarter has been a journey of growth and new experiences, much like setting off on an adventure full of discoveries. One of the most significant things I learned was HTML coding, especially in creating different types of lists such as ordered, unordered, and nested lists. At first, it was quite confusing, as the codes seemed like a mix of unfamiliar symbols. But with continuous practice, everything started making sense, and I realized how important proper organization is in building a website. Aside from this, we also worked on Community-Based Research (CBR), where we conducted a study in Tamorong, Sta. Catalina.

    Of course, the learning process was not always easy. HTML coding required patience because even a small mistake could affect the entire structure. Meanwhile, our CBR research was also challenging since we had to gather data, interact with people, and ensure the reliability of their responses. There were moments when it felt overwhelming, as if we were tackling something too complex, making it easy to doubt ourselves when things didn’t go as expected. 


    To get past these difficulties, I focused on taking things step by step. I practiced HTML regularly, which helped me better understand how different tags function. In our research, teamwork was essential—we divided responsibilities, helped each other, and remained patient even when faced with setbacks. Over time, talking to people and conducting surveys became easier, teaching me that determination and persistence are key to overcoming obstacles.

    Moving forward, I will continue developing my skills in both HTML and research, knowing that each challenge is an opportunity to learn and improve. Like an explorer in an unfamiliar place, I will embrace new lessons with curiosity and a willingness to grow. This quarter has shown me that learning goes beyond textbooks—it is also shaped by real-world experiences, and I am excited to see what new knowledge awaits in the next quarter.


  1. You have a wonderful ability to learn from your experiences and grow from them. Keep it up!

  2. I admire your determination to stay afloat, keep it up, glaiza!

  3. Your blog is so inspiring, just like you, I also learned a lot from this quarter. Continue striving and learning!

  4. i am glad that you were able to experience a lot of lessons this quarter! im happy for you, keep it up


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